Mar 20, 2024

The Equalizer. Open University come back to draw against Luton B

In their penultamite league matches, Luton B hosted the visitors from the Open University in an end of season scramble to avoid bottom place. Here's how the evening unfolded.

Board 4: Daven Patel v Elliot Long

Daven had eaten a disagreeable burger before the game and the playing room had the heating full on, which didn't make him feel well. Not the best circumstances to spend an evening playing serious chess at classical time controls. Daven was therefore pleased that his preparation against Elliot worked. He found a plan and managed to stick to it. White was helped by an aggressive c5 push, blocking the Black dark squared Bishop. After this, he managed a rook lift to form a battery. There were a few inaccuracies but it was a line that Daven was familiar with by playing online which enabled him to work out the correct move order and variations. The game ended in an early win for Daven, his first league game win of the season, and is the featured game from this match below.

Daven Patel v Elliot Long

Luton B 1-0 Open University

Board 3: David Webber v Humayun Mirza

David played a flank opening, 1.b4 and used very little time on his clock for the first five moves, indicating he knew more about this system then I did. White ended up with both Bishops long range aiming at my castled Kingside, but they were for the time being, locked behind his pawns. The position was getting blocked and was looking drawish. Eventually I worked out that I could create a breakthrough on the a-file, and punch holes into White's defence with a tempo against a King that castled one move too late. Another win for the home side.

Luton B 2-0 Open University

Board 1: NO'D James Alexander v Marek Gladysz

When I wandered over to look at board 1, White was ahead on material and had invaded deep into Black's position with pawn on the seventh rank. Marek was holdiing on but appeared to have no counterplay and his position looked objectively lost. But you never win a game by resigning, and James made a mistake, that allowed Marek to play a series of forced checks or loss of a Rook for White, and a draw was agreed.

Luton B 2.5-0.5 Open University

Board 2: Peter Daly v Vincent Edwards

Peter played a Guico Piano. Atypically, his opponent castled Queenside and there followed a fight for the centre. In a battle for control, White lost out on a Knight fork exchange and went down a piece. From that moment, the game was decided. This was disappointing for Peter, since he always plays the opening in a certain way, didn't do so this evening, got into a losing position and now wants to disavow the loss.

Luton B 2.5-1.5 Open University

Board 5: Mark Osborn v Nilesh Meethele Madathil

Nilesh, a junior player at Luton, was having his first league match game this evening. It's always interesting to watch a new younger player at the board, except for the opponent. Mark was taking no chances and played accurately. Minor pieces were exchanged and White gained a pawn advantage, then a couple more. Mark then exchanged Queens, and carefully escorted connected passed pawns to make two Queens and mate. Nilesh will learn from this experience will become stronger with practice.

Final result: Luton B 2.5-2.5 Open University

With this result, the bottom half of the table is between Luton B, Open University and Milton Keynes C who have a game in hand. Our final match is on 18th April.

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