Jun 11, 2024

Luton votes for single time control. Minutes of EGM by Peter Montgomery

University of Bedfordshire Chess Club & Luton Chess Club

Extraordinary General Meeting held on 4 June 2024 19:20 hours.

Present -  P Montgomery (Chair), J Hudson, H Mirza, S Vora, A Green, D Patel, P Daly.

Apologies -  T O'Brien, A Juhasz, D Welton, D Jones.

Agenda – To discuss a proposal to put a motion to the Bedfordshire Chess League (BCL) AGM proposing that the time control for league matches should be changed to “All moves to be played in 1 hour 20 minutes. All moves will receive a 10 second increment”.

J Hudson presented the case for making the change.  He noted that although top level matches still use multiple time controls the current trend is to move to a single time control. Also top level matches have a much longer time period for the first period of play. He has played to a single time control in other leagues finding it much simpler.  It also makes programming clocks easier.

H Mirza presented the case for retaining the current time control system. He noted that although some Counties have moved to a single time control (Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, London and Middlesex) other leagues such as 4NCL have not.  Multiple time controls are used for tournaments such as the World and British Championships. His personal preference is for 2 time controls as it can put extra pressure on “slower” players.

Following further discussion and clarification a vote was taken and the motion was carried.  

P Montgomery agreed write up the minutes of the meeting and to prepare the motion for submission to the BCL Secretary.

Addendum – The motion to move to a single time control has been submitted to the BCL Secretary and it will be on the agenda for the September AGM. 

P Montgomery                                                                  7 June 2024

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